Annual Report 2023

The economic picture of 2023 was dominated by a series of major intertwined and mutually-influencing themes, such as the geopolitical tensions, the slowdown of inflation globally and the frailty of the post-pandemic economic recovery. The evolution of the war in Ukraine remained deeply unpredictable and its overlapping with the very complicated situation in the Middle East warrants a further cautious stance of economic policymakers, in a potential scenario of short- or medium-term risks materialising. In this uncertain macro-financial context, the conditions that favour the normalisation of the international economic environment seem to take shape starting 2023.

Legal Framework

The fundamental objective of the Committee shall be to contribute to safeguarding financial stability, also by strengthening the resilience of the financial system and by containing the build-up of systemic risks, thereby ensuring a sustainable contribution of the financial sector to economic growth.

Institutional Cooperation

The NCMO is an entity without legal personality, comprised of representatives from the National Bank of Romania, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Government (Ministry of Public Finance), as well as from the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund.